For example, if you want to see your transactions sorted by Payee, you can click the column header for Payee.
IMPROVED - Quicken allows customers to sort their transactions based on a column. NEW - If you have Touch ID on your Mac or an Apple Watch, you can now use them to open your password-protected Quicken file. Touch ID, Improved Register Header, and Report Toolbar Improvements In version 6.6, you can now optionally choose to enter the Share Price and Number of Shares, then let Quicken calculate the Total Cost. IMPROVED - For Buy and Sell transactions, Quicken has always calculated the share price based on the Total Cost and the Number of Shares. Additionally, the colors used for each asset class remain the same between accounts making it easier to spot the asset classes you care about when reviewing multiple accounts. As the cards grow wider, additional columns appear, taking advantage of the extra space to provide you with more information.
IMPROVED - The Allocation by Security and Asset Class cards have also been improved.Second, green and red pills appear behind the numbers to help emphasize whether you're up or down for the day.
The new sort order makes it easier to see which way your portfolio is heading. First, we've changed the sort order so that the top gainers appear at the top of the list and the top losers appear at the bottom, sorted by the actual value.
IMPROVED - The Investment Dashboard Top Movers card gets a couple of enhancements.
We've made several small improvements throughout the product in this release.
If you're software is already up-to-date, we'll let you know you're up-to-date and which version you're running. If an update is available for your software, you'll be presented with the ability to download and install the update.
Select the Quicken Menu > Check for updates.